Its getting closer and closer... the end of the first semester! Which is the best of times and worst of times. It means that you're almost done, but it also means that the last barrage of tests are coming as well. Lets see... we do get about 4 weeks of simply class which is both good and bad. It means that we dont have any intermittent tests in there, but with no test in between that means that they are all of the end. The last week of classes ends with a histology lab practical in the morning and an anatomy lab practical in the afternoon... break 3 days for the weekend and then the third mini... then break 5 days and the cumulative final. THEN I can relax and if all goes well, move on to second semester :-).
Went to the market yesterday. That has become pretty much a weekly occurrence due to the wonderful cost benefits. Fruit and veggies and eggs are much cheaper at the market then they are at the store... so I go. The only problem is that I have to get up super early- 530 AM to go, because the longer you wait to go, the less of a selection you have. The positive there is that I am up, but the negative is that I am terribly tired by the time 10pm rolls around.
Today we had powderpuff practice. That game is coming up soon. The 22nd or something like that ( I really dont know :-p... all I know is soon). Right now I was going to attempt to study in the library, but I find that there is far too much foot traffic in the library for me to concentrate, here to fore, I am writing a blog entry. But when I am attempting to study, I will be working on cardiac physiology because that is basically learning a bunch of equations and how to apply them to problems. hmmm I also need to look at anatomy some more. We are moving on the the thorax-- which includes lungs, heart, etc.-- and is really concept based instead of this does this and if you injure this, this happens (like the limbs were).
I had a full 8-9 hours of sleep last night which was very nice. But I think I may have over done it... you know, sometimes when you sleep for a really long time you're tired the next day? I may be there. Oh well. Other than that, my life is pretty predictable... Like now- guess what I'm going to do? If you answered study- YOU ARE CORRECT!
Thats all Folks
Mengapa Dhcp Digunakan
6 months ago
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