Thursday, June 25, 2009

Holy Crap Mini 2 is almost here!

I reiterate the title of this post- HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! See its important because I bolded it, made it red, changed the font, AND its italics. Its on July 6th, so I cant promise any updates before then, unless I can not take studying anymore and perhaps something cool happened, but honestly- I dont see that happening until AFTER the mini, so ugh.

Biochemistry is a freaking beast, and well I realized that Histo is worth 30% on this test and I dont know it... HA! and I dont know Physio either which is like 25%, so I need to get my ass in gear. srsly. The good news is that if I can master Histo- I have also mastered Physio and vice versa because they overlap nicely, which is good.

In un-school related news- I have lost A LOT of weight. I mean by the time I come back home there is a very good chance that I will hit triple digit loss. :-D yay! Went to body tracker today and I was 225- once again- YAY!!!!!!! Thats only 5 pounds away from my goal of being classified as just overweight- which would make me super duper freaking happy. And 3 people told me I was pretty yesterday, and one said that I was going to be dangerous if I keep getting skinnier (think of it- me? Kristen? dangerous... muah haha- boys watch out :-P)

Otherwise- here is some current news, its someones birthday and there is cake here and it smells really good, but since I am not this persons friend, I can not eat her cake :-( sad. But good? for me in the long run? no- its just sad- I like cake.

Thats really all I've got.

Much love! <3

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Study study study

Hey hey hey! Been studying... like usual haha... what else do I do? Well, seeing as June seems to be the month of birthdays- Happy Birthday Grandma Corrine (two days ago) and Happy Birthday Grandma Greta today!!!- I made cake. Today was also Bela's birthday, so I made a chocolate cake for her. That was a task. My oven does not have numbers on it.... just: Alta, M. Alta, Media, M. Baja, and Baja... so I guessed that 350 was right around M. Alta and it turned out just fine.

I cant remember what I wrote last time, but since then I got a haircut. It's "medium" so says Mike, I feel like its short, but I like it, and thats all that matters.

I'm going out to dinner tonight with Bela for her birthday, so I am trying to get all my lecture stuff done, but I find myself looking more at anatomy, because the lab practical is on Friday and I need an A on it... because I got a C on the test. boooo! The worst part is that the lab has been absolutely PACKED with people lately, and that the bodies look terrible. I cant find anything, and the havent been sprayed down when students are looking at them, which leads to them looking dry and quite frankly like beef jerky. A smelly nasty human jerky- ewww. I wish students had more respect for the bodies, but alas- they dont.

Well, back to studying. Hopefully dinner is awesome. We are going to the Iguana Cafe, which everyone says is amazing. We shall see.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First Big Test Down

Mini 1 = over. My performance = not so hot. Sadly I calculated my grades and 2 are in the C range, one of those which is pretty low (which is close to failure here... A-B-C-Fail). We shall see when everything gets grieved and what not whether those improve or go down... hopefully they only get better.

Last night was super fun, and full of after Mini madness. I decided to spend the money I had gotten out of the bank earlier for laundry on alcohol, and make myself a sweet-tart (which is pretty much amazing). Needless to say, I drank the whole 2 liter over the course of the evening and had myself a really good time. I made a few new friends and made a whole lot of people laugh. I suppose its hard to tell who people really are when the only time you ever see them is studying. So letting loose was a shocker to some. :-) haha.

Other than that, the week prior was super uneventful, just studying like a mad woman, which didnt even pay off- sadly. *sigh* Today we have an 8 hour day of lecture, which I am watching from home. I went to the first 4 hours, and was just too tired, so I came home and took a nap- yet I'm still tired. The only thing I dont like about mediasite is this weird downtime between lectures... but hey, I'm getting something done. I hadnt wrote on here for a week +.

AND, today I got a parcel slip, so we'll have to see what I got, whether its the package my mom just sent, or one that I've been waiting for for over 3 months... Alright, I'm going to watch some more lecture :-), and then study... I have to be super on top of this shit so I dont get any more C's.... I do not like C's.

<3 Kristen