Saturday, August 28, 2010

Last one before the big sha-bang…

So, fifth semester is done done DONE! It ended oh, say 3 weeks ago, and do you think that our grades are out yet? Nope. So hopefully all is well.

Currently I’m residing in Aventura Florida, which is just north of Miami. Its got some major attractions like a giant mall, and a casino that is also a horse track. Sadly I don’t go to either because its all business on my end… well, mostly business. Study study study, with some guilty pleasure television mixed in.

I take my next test on September 10th (everybody cross your fingers, toes, and any other crossable appendage that I do AWESOME). After that, I immediately drive up to Fort Lauderdale to pick up my mom, and then back to Aventura to pack up all my stuff so we can head out in the morning for the grueling Florida to Illinois drive. Perhaps I will be greated by some pumpkin bars when I get home (hint hint cough cough). :)

Otherwise, not much to report here except that I have depleted all of my fancy popcorn seasonings, and now only have white cheddar…. Boring….
