Monday is the start of our final tests- its a Pathology lab final. Then Wednesday is our Mini 3, then the Wednesday after that- the 16th- is our cumulative final. They all promise to be terrible, so all I can say is "hold on to your butts."
The pictures are from a 2hour beach excursion for my friend Charles' 30th birthday (thats him in the 3rd picture). Other than that I havent been doing to much- I baked a lot last week... Pumpkin Bars, Chocolate Chip cookies, and a brownie (had to get rid of my sugar and butter somehow and I found no better alternative).
Back to studying for me. Today I have to work in the anatomy lab from 5:40 till 7ish because of a 1st semester exam, so I need to be productive before that. And to prove that fact to you-- Duloxitine is a SNRI, Tolcapone is a COMT inhibitor, and I really just want to shoot myself. hahaha. I cant wait to be home.